My most important job as your photographer is to tell the story of your wedding day while making you and your family and friends comfortable.
I believe the more comfortable you are, the better your pictures will be.
My typical client loves their family + friends over anything. Always, always. They value time spent together, and are able to appreciate the quieter moments in their relationships, that strung together, share a story of deep love.
They appreciate beautiful photography, art and design. Someone who lets me do what I do best, and trusts my many years of experience in the industry. Whether you are the most camera-shy person or the biggest ham, there is no cookie-cutter approach to every client.
I will get you comfortable in a way that is best for you.
As a Queer Mexican-American woman, I pride myself on being a welcoming + inclusive photographer + human being and embrace everyone. I am so happy you are here to view my work, stay as long as you’d like and please feel free to leave a comment or share any posts!
XO Carla Ten Eyck
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The Great Gatsby movie opens this weekend, and to much fanfare- more for the fashion or for the actual movie, who knows! There is something so romantic about the fashion and styling of this era, and to be able to do an editorial shoot that […]
May 7, 2013
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This February was crazy. For so many reasons! That Blizzard. Man oh man was I bitter about this, but really only for the shoveling part, otherwise it was kinda pretty. Aside from 36” of snow the next craziest part of my month was the shake up I got while attending the Inspire photography conference in […]
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To say I am over the moon right now is the understatement of this fine Thursday! Just in general, yes I am ANNNDD I am so pumped to share our second edition of the C10 Studio Ezine with all of you!!! This has and will continue to be such a labor of love for me. It […]
March 7, 2013
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Winter time is the time for (most) photographers to stretch out, take a seminar and get their learn on. Many wedding photographers don’t have weddings until the spring or early summer, so this can be a nice break. Me? Nah. There’s no crying in baseball and there’s no breaks for Mami! While a short teeny […]
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A brand spanking shiny pretty new first edition of many C10 Studio E-zine is hot off the digital presses!! All for you. All of it! Come see our latest featured weddings from some of our most favorite clients, along with some of the most talented vendors in the whole wide wedding world! We collectively photograph […]
November 27, 2012
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Dear Mom, Happy Birthday! I’m sorry to say I don’t know how old you would have been today. We all know I suck at math. I guess the good part about dying is that you get to be immortalized at the age you were when you died… so for you, happy eternal 59th birthday! I […]
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If I’ve said it once I’ve said it probably twice… this is the year of the personal project for me, in a big way. There are a bunch of things I have in some sort of production stage- whether it’s stuff I have actually shot or things that I have squirreled away in my pink […]
September 4, 2012
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Where do I even begin? Once upon a time there was a painting. And I fell in love with so many aspects of it, that I just couldn’t shake it from my soul. It’s funny because only recently have I started to delve into my obsession with Ophelia inspired art. Hands down my favorite is […]
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**this was written this past spring, just got around to sharing it! Also. Please read in a British accent. It will sound way smarter! That is all. Cheers! Right now I am in London shooting for one of my U.S. based commercial clients for the week and am just wrapping up today. We had some […]
June 1, 2012
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Quite a while back now, Jasmine and I had the absolute pleasure of photographing Trisha and Aaron’s train-themed engagement session. I have some clients who want to do something a little out of the norm for their shoot and I am always more than happy to oblige! Their wedding had a train theme, since they […]
Eyes up, heart open.
New England & Worldwide