My most important job as your photographer is to tell the story of your wedding day while making you and your family and friends comfortable.
I believe the more comfortable you are, the better your pictures will be.
My typical client loves their family + friends over anything. Always, always. They value time spent together, and are able to appreciate the quieter moments in their relationships, that strung together, share a story of deep love.
They appreciate beautiful photography, art and design. Someone who lets me do what I do best, and trusts my many years of experience in the industry. Whether you are the most camera-shy person or the biggest ham, there is no cookie-cutter approach to every client.
I will get you comfortable in a way that is best for you.
As a Queer Mexican-American woman, I pride myself on being a welcoming + inclusive photographer + human being and embrace everyone. I am so happy you are here to view my work, stay as long as you’d like and please feel free to leave a comment or share any posts!
XO Carla Ten Eyck
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A tented wedding at someone’s home is always one of my favorite locations for a wedding. It’s like a bit of a blank canvas, with a tent (and a Sperry tent at that! My favorite!) you can create something that is truly a reflection of the couple and their taste, mixed in with the personal, with […]
October 6, 2015
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This year has been the year of just, soul-mate clients! And I am not talking about for each other, because, like, DUH if you’re not..! Then we have bigger issues, am I right? I am talking about my clients being my soul-clients. And not all of them are, which is, (in the real world anyway) […]
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I can’t say enough about the Michaels. From our first chat on the phone (where I feel like I was squealing on the inside, and quite possibly it was on the outside!) after hearing how excited they were to marry each other with the love and support of their friends and family at one […]
September 1, 2015
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Lauren + Vanessa, The Barn at Walnut Hill, Portland Maine I have recently started to listen to and appreciate country music. Big share there! Not like super hard-core twang-fest country music, but more the kind that gets you in the feels. Brandi Carlile, The Zac Brown Band, always Willie Nelson, always. You feel […]
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What started off as a spur of the moment, let me grab you and create a portrait of you because I am super inspired and I can’t control myself whim, has morphed into an official offering at my most favorite industry event, the Engage Luxury Wedding Summit that happens every six months in high-end resorts […]
June 16, 2015
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One of the weddings I am looking forward to photographing so much this year has got to be Christopher + Tyler’s. And not just because the countdown has been more dramatic and drawn out than say, Kim and Kanye’s! Because that has been super fun to watch on Facebook (since we are all friends and […]
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I met Vanessa a few years back at one of the most amazing industry conferences there is, called Engage Luxury Wedding Summits. We circled around each other for a few conferences before really seeing what great friends we were going to become. You know how that is when you make friends in the industry, you […]
June 2, 2015
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This week I got to spend the afternoon with a couple that I have gotten to know so well over the years. I met Liane a few years back for the first time while doing a cover shoot for Bliss Celebrations Magazine- you can see this shoot for this HERE and I knew she had […]
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Meet Mary Rose. A vibrant, strong, passionate fighter. Outspoken. Loud, even! But so, so full of life! I met Mary Rose at the salon and we hit if off instantly. She told me how she wanted to do a shoot and I quietly squealed and said, wait. I am actually working on a project about […]
May 19, 2015
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While vacationing at The Caribbean Club on Grand Cayman (one of my most favorite places in the world..!!!), I was able to spend some time with an industry friend of mine who I met last year at two conferences – Grow Brand Camp in Maine and Engage! in Cayman – Linda Mitchell of Luxury Travel Pro. Linda […]
Eyes up, heart open.
New England & Worldwide