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What feels like years ago, but was in reality, only a few months back in the fine spring of this year, I had an opportunity to take a trip. Me, the one who said pretty loud and pretty proud that I did not really want to be what every photographer thinks they want to be […]

costa rica editorial beach wedding

September 8, 2010

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Seriously. There are times in my life where I am like, what did I do to deserve having all of these wonderful, amazing people in my life. Like, really. REALLY! I know there are love fests in the world, faux and real- but let me tell you something. My team is the real deal. 100% […]

buttonwood farms sunflower family video

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So today is my oldest sister Tere’s birthday. Happy Birthday, sis! It’s a little after midnight and I was poking around facebook and then was getting all sentimental about stuff- as late night Facebok poking around can do at times… and decided that I wanted to give my oldest sister Tere a little shout out. […]

tere was her jack

June 17, 2010

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Come closer. No really. Lean in cloooooose. I’m going to share something with you all that to me? Is one of my career high points. The end of a two day destination shoot in the rainforest of Costa Rica…on a shoot for the amazing… and I have it here. Mike and Erica from the […]

costa rica video by buzz media

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On our second day in Herradura our hosts from coordinated a sunset cocktail hour at one of the most beautiful places to see a sunset in Costa Rica- Villa Caletas- and it was just right down the road! At one point I saw a pair of Scarlet Macaws fly by which I have to […]

costa rica editorial shoot day two

April 30, 2010

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After returning from my family vacation in Mexico I unpacked and repacked to head out to a dream destination of mine- Herradura Costa Rica. Now I have been to Costa Rica before for a vacation and I loved it, all of it- from the scary crazy zip lines to the laid back and friendly nature […]

costa rica day one scouting

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I like to travel, I am not gonna lie. But I will be honest with you, I do not want to be a destination wedding photographer, and I am not ashamed to admit it! I love my third smallest state in the union here- CONNECTICUT!!!! like no other. With its crappy weather (right now anyway) […]

be careful what you wish for…

March 14, 2010

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This May 16-19 my good friend and very talented Event Planner Candice Dowling-Coppola of Jubilee Events and I will be teaming up to present: Collaborate and Create 2010– a photography and design event!! To say I am excited is the understatement of the year!! Candice and I have been working together on editorial shoots pretty […]

Collaborate and Create 2010

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This last week was the whirlwind to start the whirlwind of all whirlwinds for me… and the butterflies are still in my belly to prove it! So, to give you a little back ground: I was a part of one of the BEST photo retreats / conferences / seminars I have ever been a part […]

Inspire Boston 2010

February 26, 2010

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Today marks four years since my Mom, Georgie Hernandez, died peacefully surrounded by her family. You want to know what one of her pet peeves was? She used to HATE when she would read the obituaries and that is all it would say! Even knowing that she was dying, she and I would read them, […]

the dead mom’s club, four years later