my very own surprise ct backyard vow renewal

As a recap to this year of 2011, I can’t think of a better event to close with and start 2012 with then our very own vow renewal in our very own back yard!! Here’s how it came about…

I have been thinking long and hard about doing a video on the studio, to show what we are all about without being too melodramatic or taking ourselves too seriously whilst straddling that very fine line of not being too unprofessional in the process! It’s a thin, badly drawn line at times for us photographers and we have all been known to dilly dally around it what with having access to so much of our personal lives online, via Twitter, Facebook and peeking old school into my windows! See, my thing has always been, love my work, love me, and we will make sweet sweet music together! Yet I struggled with exactly how to show the fun side of us, and the sweet side, the sentimental side, and my smooth dance move side? My I love my team and my family side, and my home, and my mom’s rose bushes and all of my favorite vendors side. All of it is me, all of it is us. And so, Enter the amazing Jim Altieri of Vintage Cinema, and my bff and studio manager Dominique. And Ke$ha. Or as James Van der Beek says ‘K-E- dollar sign- HA’ Check the video here. (it’s listed on my site right under my picture it’s called ‘studio video’)And don’t take it too seriously, just laugh at how foolish we all look, and at how much fun we all had making it! It’s actually fun to watch Ke$ha’s video “Tik Tok’ before and then watch ours to see the similarities!!

So we set up this whole wedding for the video, and then my great friend Beth Chapman of The White Dress by the Shore asks me if we are going to stop in the middle of filming and renew our vows. Huh? Are we? Aren’t we? Well, it seems like common sense when it was asked out loud, right? And so, not even 3 weeks after the initial wedding idea -yes, you heard right- we planned this ALL in less than THREE WEEKS!!! .. .Dave and I renewed our vows in front of friends and family in our back yard! On one of THE hottest days ever in June. It was June 9th to be exact- and there was the craziest storm ever (or what would start the trend of crazy storms this summer!) that day! Temps hit over 100 degrees!

Here is me washing up after shooting our first part of the video, where we have to look like we just woke up after a night of craziness….

*photo disclaimer here: for my wedding part our official photographer was the super amazing Sara Code Kroll of Growing Tree Photographer, now located in PA! She has been an unofficial part of my studio family from the beginning and I couldn’t think of anyone better than Sara to catch the spirit of our team, since she was such a big part of it!! We just LOVE her eye, and her spirit and miss her so terribly now that she has moved! Sara, I can’t thank you enough for doing this for the studio, but also for me and Dave. It means so so much to have these images of my family, my friends and more importantly of my love. I look through these images and am so moved, even now, almost 6 months later.

Since most of the guests here were photographers we asked them to bring their cameras, however- this whole project was TOP SECRET!! So while they were coming to a party here, they did not know what it was until they showed up! I love surprises!! I tried my best to credit everyone properly ,as there were many, many of CT’s most talented photographers who contributed images to my cache of images: Mike Romano- one of my favorite photographers and people in the world!!! And my crew of super talented ladies-Katie Slater, Jasmine Balgobin, Julie Morawski all of Carla Ten Eyck, ย Rebecca Hales of Hales Studio, Renee Descoutures, Eric Langlois of RAW Photo Design, Anthony DeCarlo of DeCarlo Photo, Paul & Krystal McNerney of Studio Foto, Danielle Fuller of Beyond the Lens… thank you all so, so much from the bottom, top, middle and sides of my heart!!!!

And, this is THE biggest blog post in the world!!!! It’s BIG BIG BIG…. to go with how full my heart feels, and how happy I am, and what a great year I have had. Thank you for taking the time to look through this…!

Catie Bane of Dana Bartone and co, my girl, my sweet sweet friend and stylist did the honors on me! Catie is responsible for my pink hair as well… she is a master!

Love this!




Miss Julie was getting all dolled up by the talented Miss Lauren Perry of Dana Bartone!


It’s like The Wizard of Oz here when the lipstick goes on… my favorite part!


Dave and I decided to do a first look in our front yard- since the back yard was still getting all done up for our ceremony etc…. we opted to have everyone there with us on the porch but still felt like we were all alone!

Mike and Sara tag teamed this- I love both of their perspectives!

But mostly? I love how Dave keeps his hands firmly behind his back!! What’s up Mr. Ten Eyck!!

I can’t tell you how much I love my dress. I emailed Beth and described this- tea length 3/4 sleeve and she immediately said SIRI!!!! I look and feel like Oprah!!

A favorite. Makes me all teary! Dave and Georgie have been dancing like this forever- they call it Giant Steps…

Sara’s take!



Hey Datura!!!! Tony created all of the floral art for our day… it was so amazing!

Enter: our moody son!!



Now you KNOW I had to shoot even though it is my vow renewal…. please!!

The amazing drift wood tables, couches and lanterns were all by our buddies Erik and Christen at Ryan Designs in Rhode Island! We just adore them so much!!!

Our friend Barbara Foley of Perceptions Jewelry in Rhode Island created all of my maids’ jewels for our shoot!!!

I sweat my back yard so much….!!!! and all of these amazing people! All of these maids dresses were courtesy of The White Dress by the Shore!!



That Nikon there was my college workhorse at RIT…ah the Nikon FM!




Candice set up our table with things that we had- my china from our wedding, cameras that I have, our silver… Renee got this amazing shot of Jack after he pepped up!

Our boys. Now, Erik aka Easy E was having a baby that week so we knew he and Jen couldn’t make it so we planned ahead and ordered a cardboard cutout of him so that he could be there in paper spirit! He is now still in the studio aptly named :Paper Erik.

I shot some details the day after, since we had the storm of all storms and our ceremony was rained out!!!

I used my Mom’s old dress form and put my dress out by this mimosa tree that my Mom had been trying to get to live for years… it is now thriving in our back yard

My Badgley Mischka flip flops were perfect- dressy-ish casual with color and style! On my favorite CT pillow courtesy of

Our favors were handmade by my hauntie Donna- her almost famous pepper jelly!!!




Queen Anne’s Lace, peonies and garden roses. period!

We set up the altar table again the day after and I shot it… it was set up as a dessert table / day of the dead altar / table that had people that I love on it and wanted to honor! My family and my studio!


Cupcakes by Hope at A Little Imagination Cakes!! She is AMAZING!!!!!!








This picture is my Mom holding me on the day I was born.

The Wonder Woman and Batman pez were our original wedding cake toppers!! Right near a shot from our big exit from our wedding almost 13 years ago! By the amazing Jaime Greene!!


We decorated a blue atlas cedar tree- the very type of tree that I gave Dave as our wedding present- he gave me a mountain bike… yes we bought what we wanted LOL!! The words are all things that contribute to a successful marriage! yes, RODNEY!!!! Our cat, he really helps.

This now iconic image by the dope Sara!! We have used this for all of our print ads this year!!! There is a sneaky little element here… see if you can find my guy Jack in here!!!!!



Giving Mike the stank eye as per usual!!!


head piece by The White Dress by the Shore!!







This makes me heart ache!!!!


Dave made this swing just for our vows…. sadly, this tree has since been knocked down from the various storms we have had this year- I only saw this yesterday and it made me so sad! But not us, we are still standing tall! ish.

This is my BACK YARD!!! I love it. And that husband of mine too… he is something else!

You can see the mad scramble to cover everything with tarps!! There is a storm a brewin!!!!





We didn’t forget about jack… he was still a little moody…



So we wanted to wait it out, but our officiant aka another bestie Susannah who read at our first wedding- had to go- so we made it happen on the porch!!!! It was so perfect!!


I love these crowd shots- I didn’t see anyone but Dave the whole time it was great to see where everyone was!!

paper Erik!

This shot was by Eric Langlois of RAW Photo Design! These marked as mine are all a mixture of all of the above mentioned photographers!!! DeCarlo, Danielle, Studio Foto


Dave took charge and said since I am always in charge he would like to go first! Got a rousing laugh from everyone for sure ๐Ÿ˜‰




I was a total sap when reading my vows. We have had quite a ride… and thinking about what to say to someone who I have been with for almost 15 years… it’s pretty deep when you stop and think about who we were then and who we are now. I thought about the man he was back then and the man he is now, and can I just say he gets better with age. He loves his family so much. We are so lucky to have him in our lives and now a part of the studio! I love how my sweet son is there, comforting his mama while I struggled to read my vows…


Amongst the sweetness there were some jabs on his obsession with organic food and… the Central CT Snow Snakes!!!!

These two shots were by Anthony DeCarlo… love them!









We had pizza trucks!!!!! So perfect for our vibe, and so yummy!

The only big bummer was this big tree that fell on Susannah’s car as she ran off to a graduation!!!! I told you the weather got crazy!

Ok. We had a fog machine… that SOMEONE (mary Altieri) got a little buck wild with!!!!!!! Set off the fire alarms n stuff. It was epic!

And then the rain cleared up…. and we headed back outside!!

While finishing up filming, and dancing and eating and having fun!






Miss Krystal preggo with Miss Penny!!!





My second, by main red bearded friend, Mike!!!



Catie Bane’s little lady Arianna…. !!

Dave and the Ryan’s probably talking about surfing ๐Ÿ™‚

Photos by Krystal!!


I love this shot that Krystal took of us!!!!!!



love times one million

Yes. It was still 100 degrees and yes Georgie has on flannel jammies!!!!


Eric Foley acting a fool… like always!!!

Thank you for reading this, and looking at these pictures. They are so personal, and make me so happy. I am so so happy to finally share them with everyone and tell my story…! I can’t thank everyone enough for all of their time, energy, love and patience in doing this. Mostly Dave. Thank you for standing by me, and for weathering our storms and being the better couple because of it. Thank you for supporting me and my crazy career choice / love…. thank you most of all for being the best father in the world to our children!!!




video: Jim Altieri of Vintage Cinema

photography: Sara Code Kroll of Growing Tree Photography

beauty: Dana Bartone and Company

wedding dress: Siri courtesy of The White Dress by the Shore

bridal jewels: custom made byย  Aquinnahย 

brides maids dresses: The White Dress by the Shore

floral art: Tony Palmieri of Datura a Modern Garden

coordination: Candice Coppola of Jubilee Events

cupcakes: Hope Wright-Martell of A Little Imagination Cakes

lanterns, couches, tables: Ryan Designs

maids jewels: Barbara Foley of Perception Jewelry

flower girl dress: The White Dress by the Shore

Carla’ shoes: Badgley Mischka

CT Pillow


additional photographers: Hales Studio, RAW Photo Design, Beyond The Lens, Studio Foto, DeCarlo Photo


  1. Abbey says:

    Carla you are an AMAZING person and I can’t think of a better person to have this happen this to. You can totally feel the love surrounding you and Dave. Awesome, awesome pictures!!!! Love ya!!!

  2. Belinda says:

    Carla, I just love you! Thank you for sharing this special part of your life with us. What incredible photos. The joy practically leaps off the page (er, screen). To see you surrounded by so much love just proves what an amazing person you are. Keep doing what you do and never, ever change. Love ya work babe.
    PS. I am totally digging your backyard!!!!!

  3. tony says:

    so much love. xoxoxo

  4. Charlito says:

    I’ve never seen the backyard.

  5. Uncle Noah says:

    Beautiful! So happy for you guys ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Awwww… So lovely! Love you all and miss you mucho!!!

  7. Rita Tuohy says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful joyous time. You are such a special person,and you surround yourself with talented,loving people.
    I always love to browse all your postings. you are truly amazing artist.

  8. Robin Dini says:

    love you guys!! xo

  9. Joanna says:

    Congrats to you and Dave…just love the whole thing.. the idea, the video, the pics, ..all show so much joy, love and fun! You are truly blessed to have such people in your life..

  10. D says:

    That was so fun! Great photos all.

  11. Beautiful through and through! Oh and thanks for the shout out at the end lol ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Renee says:

    So happy to have been a part of this special day with such talented and caring friends. Congrats Carla and Dave!!

  13. Mary says:

    You had me at pink hair color in the bathtub ๐Ÿ™‚ Congrats on the vow renewal and keep having FUN!!

  14. Gayle King says:

    I am so lucky to be a part of your team! I love how the whole silly thing turned into something beautiful and meaningful!

  15. absolutely beautiful!!!! all of it! you looked absolutely stunning and those photos of your son holding on to you as you read your vows have to be some of the sweetest photos ever and I totally teared up! congratulations! ๐Ÿ™‚

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