be careful what you wish for…

I like to travel, I am not gonna lie. But I will be honest with you, I do not want to be a destination wedding photographer, and I am not ashamed to admit it! I love my third smallest state in the union here- CONNECTICUT!!!! like no other. With its crappy weather (right now anyway) and super small town appeal, I am in heaven every time I come home.


These next two months are going to be some of the craziest months- actually I am smack in the middle of crazy right now- but I ask you not for sympathy I did this all to myself!

….and I am loving every minute of it!!

So tomorrow- I am driving to Rochester / Syracuse NY to speak to the Central NY PUG; I’ll be around for the next two weeks firming stuff up for my Collaborate and Create 2010 4 day workshop at the Ocean House in Watch Hill Rhode Island; I’ll be photographing my alma mater Hartford Public High School on Friday (you can’t rock the pub, you can’t rock the pub SAY WHAT!); I’ll be back in Rhode Island for my awesome clients Katy and Kyle’s e shoot Monday; on Tuesday the 23rd Laurie from Innovative Financial Services will be at my studio in Hartford for a free talk on tax info for photographers- email if you are interested in coming!

Then Wednesday March 24 is my first Wedding Wednesday- I’m super pumped for that!!

Thursday the 25th Erin & Joe- I have been waiting for this e shoot for like EVER!!! Joe is a good buddy of mine and also a photographer and I can’t tell you how excited I am for this!

Saturday March 27 is the first official wedding of 2010 in New Jersey with Nick and Ging who are also some of the funniest clients I have, my stomach always hurts after hanging out with them!

Then Mexico baby with my family for a week’s vacation!!! I can stop, breathe, tan, eat, drink, cuddle, make sand castles, swim with dolphins, read a book!! …aaahhhh… can’t wait for that!

Back the 5th, shoot on the 6th for Style Me Pretty’s Inspiration to Reality

and then I am GONE from the 7-12…. where you say?


Check out this inspiration board that Candice from Jubilee Events created for our shoot down there!

I feel like I am going to be out of control down there! We have such a cast of colorful characters joining us again a la New Orleans- what a testament to how much we enjoy working together, right?

Candice from Jubilee Events will be the event coordinator / designer and my partner in crime as per usual

Beth Chapman from The White Dress by the Shore will be providing the dresses and accessories and social decorum

Tony from Datura a Modern Garden will be running wild through the rain forests most likely freaking out

Yours truly will be there with my amazing staff of talented photographers: Erik Maziarz, Rebecca Hales, Greg Lewis, and Sara Code-Kroll

and there are more we are waiting on confirmation from!!

Yeah, you can say we roll DEEP in CT!!

and then I’m back, I have my Lighting Workshop on the 13th, then off again on the 14th this time to New Mexico for another editorial shoot !!

And then it’s my birthday and I will gain like 5 years instead of just the one…!

and then it’s the wedding season, in full SCHWING!!

again, no sympathy, I am doing this all to myself

and I LOVE IT!


  1. Holy Smokes, Carla! So many exciting things happening for you–awesome! I cannot WAIT to see what you all come up with in Costa Rica. Sigh…I’m sure it will be dreamy. I can only imagine the designs Tony will come up with–all kinds of crazy tropical flowers and such! Enjoy the ride…

  2. Candice says:


  3. Erik Maziarz says:

    my Steve Irwin side is coming out full swing in Costa Rica baby! and i can’t wait to take awesome photos of course.

  4. Eric Foley says:

    Holy smokes! Have fun and be safe!

  5. Pura Vida, baby!!! So excited to work with such talented people!! oxoxoxo! Yay!

  6. robert norman says:

    Costa EFFING Rica??!! WOW!!!! I’ll be here watching Netlifx 🙂

  7. I can’t lie, I got this visual of Tony running through the jungle wearing a Tarzan get up and grabbing handfuls of amazing vegetation! LOL! Just a testament to your story telling skills. Good luck, stay safe, and sane….godspeed!

  8. Gayle King says:

    Wow! Sounds amazing!

  9. Candice says:

    I hope gayle is coming!

  10. Can I come too? Pretty please 🙂

  11. Robin Dini says:

    you said it Candice…I’m picturing the oldest daughter from the Sound of Music standing in the rain going “weeeeeeeeee”. That sounds like an incredible adventure. One after another. Have fun!! xox

  12. Katie Slater says:

    way to take 2010 by storm!!! woo hoo! can’t wait to see what you all come back from CR with!!

  13. ann tenEyck says:

    Greetings from Ohio, Carla! I love your pictures– I teach high school art and photography in Toledo, OH– and we might be distant cousins? (P.S. my favorite shoot is the workshop where the male model didn’t show up.)

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